
11 febrero 2013 | videoclips

Sin perdón

realizador: José Venditti
música: NEGRØ
año de producción: 2013
descarga/fuente: Vimeo

Este vídeo-collage para Sin Perdón de la banda Negro, basa su realización en el montaje y Found Footage, y obtiene imágenes de archivo, las deconstruye, descontextualiza y mezcla para crear nuevas imágenes, basadas en este caso en el mensaje y los ambientes que explora el tema. El material utilizado proviene de vídeos y libros de archivos online, y la técnica de montaje ha sido principalmente corta, pega y multiplicación.

por José Venditti

Video fuentes:
60s Topless Dancers - KingWaylon - King of Vintage
Alcohol and the Human Body - Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Alphabet Conspiracy - Frank Capra Productions
Airplane Trip By Jet, An - Encyclopedia Britannica
Anatomy of a Psycho - Boris Petroff
Anatomy of a Murder Premiere Story - Unknown
At The End Of The Rainbow - Luke Chrisinger
The Battle of Midway - John Ford
Body Bags - Pablo Perez
Cambridge 1945 - British council film
Cigarette Commercials - Compilation of Life, Lido, Lambert & Butler, L&M, Lancaster, and Luiz XV cigarette commercials
Development of the Rabbit 1946 - British council film
Energy from the Sun - Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Eye See - Chris George
Fire - Encyclopaedia Britannica Films
Flip The Frog - Fiddlesticks - UB IWERKS
Countdown to calamity - National Archives and Records Administration
Fundamentals of Double Action Revolver Shooting - National Archives and Records Administration
Fighting Men: Kill or Be Killed - National Archives and Records Administration
Health of a Nation (1943) - British council film
Heart, The - Almanac Films
House in the Middle, The - National Paint, Varnish and Lacquer Association
I Killed That Man (1945)
Imaging the Hidden World: the Light Microscope - Bruce Russell
Kaleidoscope Fireworks - Ivan Bridgewater
Insects - PA8966 Insects
Kilink Soy Ve Oldur (Kilink Strip And Kill)
Let’s see (1945) - British council film
Letter From an Airline Pilot (Part II) - PA9002
Lucky Junior - 0578 PA8133
Lucky Terror - Walter Futter
Meat - From Range To Market
Negro Colleges in Wartime - U.S. Office of War Information, Bureau of Motion Pictures
Our Weather - Encyclopedia Britannica Films
Personality and Emotions (1954)- A/V Geeks
Queen Cotton (1941) - British council film
Meat Force - Slaughterhouse VHS - Meat Force
Journey Through the Solar System, Episode 4: Earth, The Planet - NASA; Lewis Research Center
Study of Negro Artists, A - Harmon Foundation
Television Commercials (1950s-1960s) - Various
The Devil´s Messenger
The Lusting Hours (1967), 60s exploitation - Michael Findlay
Andy Warhol’s Screen Test - 7 Mary Woronov
Swinging the Lambeth Walk - Len Lye
Particles in Space - Len Lye
El baile de los esqueletos (Silly symphonies) - Disney
Postwar Flattop Launched, 1945/10/15 - Unknown

(datos extraídos de la cuenta Vimeo del grupo musical)

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